Every Seven Seconds
I ran across an article yesterday
discussing a study that found that men think about sex approximately every
seven seconds, or 8.5 times a minute.
The average reading speed is (XXX) 250 to 300 words per
minute, which works out to 4.2 to 5.0 words per second. This means that the average guy
interrupts his reading about every 33 words to think about sex.(XXX)
Assuming that you thought of sex just before you began reading this, I have marked every
thirty-third word to show you where you, the average reader of this, think
about sex to show (XXX) you the impact this focus on sex has on your reading.
As a writer, I must protest. Just read the goddamn
fucking story and stop thinking about sex every 33 words. Granted I’m writing (XXX)
about gay men having sex, but keep your mind on the story—appreciate the
dexterity of my writing, be amazed by the fecundity of my inventive mind, marvel
over the skillful twists and (XXX) turns of the plot.
But don’t think about sex. That’s a no-no. And whatever
you do, don’t let your fingers stray to your nipples so that you can arouse
yourself as you (XXX) read, not to mention grasping your crotch or stroking yourself.
Try it (XXX). Banish all thoughts of sex from your mind
(XXX) and just read. You will find hidden (XXX) depths in these stories that
you never noticed before (XXX) because you (XXX) were (XXX) thinking (XXX) about
(XXX) sex (XXX).