Thursday, July 2, 2015

10,000th page view

Around 9:30 EDT this morning (6/2/15), the page visitor counter on this site reached 10,000. This doesn't mean that 10,000 people have visited this site. Rather, an unknown number of people have opened 10,000 pages or posts. I made the first posting here in mid-June 2013. I reached 1,000 views on 3/1/14, or some nine months later. It took just over two years to get 10,000 views.  The count soared in January 2015 when this blog was mentioned by two bloggers on Tumblr (sleepermind and captionstojerkby). Just under 14 percent of the 10,000 views followed these two mentions, most of them within two weeks. Of course these numbers represent visits. The numbers say nothing about how many people actually read one of the stories or liked it.

The United States accounted for 6,445 page views, followed distantly by Great Britain (935), Russia (390), Taiwan (297), Australia (267), France (239), Canada (220), and Germany (145).

Thirty-one percent of the page views were made on Firefox, followed by Chrome (29 percent), Safari (21 percent) and Internet Explorer (9 percent). These four browsers accounted for 90 percent of the views. As for operating systems, Windows accounted for 49 percent of the views, Macintosh for 17 percent, IPhone for 13 percent, Android for 11 percent, and IPad for 6 percent. The Google statistics counter presents only the gross figures and does not display changes over time, but it's my sense that a growing number of visitors are using tablets or phones.

The most popular stories have been "Bliss" (402 views), "Hypnosis Files" (348), and "Doing the Laundry" (195). I suspect that many of the visits to "Hypnosis Files" result from searches on hypnosis, not an interest in reading stories about gay guys being hypnotized.

I haven't posted much lately, but I have been writing. One of my first stories featuring hypnosis was the novel-length White Noise, which I wrote in 2006. That version was very clumsily written, and I've long wanted to rewrite it. I'm about half finished with the revisions and hope to post the complete series in September.

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